Yesss!! (siiiiiiiiii!!) This is the Spain I´ve been looking for. Cordoba, where have you been and what took you so long?
As you can see, Cordoba was exactly what I needed - a lovely, slow-paced (especially on Sunday), and charming town, extremely photogenic. The town is on a river but the fun was in wandering its streets which are very maze-like, run in every

One of my favorite things, was that many people have dogs that hang out on their balcony all day, watching the people go by, so I took some photos to demonstrate this (grande perro, pequeño perro).

In Cordoba, I finally ate real Spanish food. I can´t say it was my favorite food experience, and almost definitely even more caloric than McDonalds, but it was still great to try the local cuisine.
One joke is that a typical Spanish meal is "Ham and Pork with a side of Bacon" but it´s really true that some form of pork is in everything, and often with lots of olive oil or deep-fried with cheese. It´s probably a bad idea for someone with heartburn issues to visit here.
Last night I got to Cordoba about 6pm and asked my hotel clerk for a recommendation for good food because I didn´t have time for lunch (long story, keep reading). It turned out most cafes were closed since it was Sunday. When I finally found one cafe in the center of Cordoba´s

So I sat and had wine until they served food, made some phone calls to the US finally, and took plenty of time to try and translate the menu, using my Spanish-English dictionary. It´s so funny that I can understand and speak enough Spanish to get by, but menus are still a mystery to me, I guess because they often name dishes regionally.
Keeping in mind everything I ordered was tapas (appetizer) size, and I was

This morning I also had a Spanish breakfast which was of course - cafe con leche (coffee with milk, very strong), zumo de aranja (always a fresh-squeezed orange juice, made with Valencia oranges), and a big piece of french-bread style toast with some olive oil mixed with tomato and pepper, plus of course - always of course - with shredded bacon on top. It was very good.

Well in MADRID, my favorite hellhole, a train schedule I had from EURAIL said that trains to Cordoba leave from the Charmatin train station, but they actually leave from the Atocha central station. HOW NICE. And, no, wait - it gets better - the metros were not running to Charmatin today, certain lines were "down" for some unexplained reason, so I was supposed to take the metro, then a bus, to Charmatin, but I got really sick of waiting so I took a cab. And then I found out that the train doesn´t leave from Charmatin. I literally could feel my blood pressure rising, I was getting so fed up. No really, it keeps getting better.
I finally got to Atocha and the lines for "travelling today" were an hour long. There were also lines for "travelling tomorrow" which I

I took a picture of the graffiti in the train station bathroom because I thought it summed up my experience pretty well.
One very humurous note, though - in the Atocha train station, they had an indoor rainforest thing, and while it was a nice idea, it adds an intense level of humidity to an already really hot station. points for trying, though!
I got a kick out of the fact that they had a pond on one end with about 100 turtles. (Even Madrid´s turtle population is out of control!!) And it was especially classic because my friend Luba

see - i wasn´t kidding about the turtles.
Also pictured below is the "rainforest" with a pile of garbage on the ground in front of it. Nice.

One thing I have to really give credit to Spain for, is in both Barcelona and Madrid, they took the 2004 terrorist attack extremely seriously and now they employ security guards on most of the train platforms, and they make you run your bags through x-rays at train stations and in most of the major sights like the museums.
This is a no-brainer, but it makes me angry that the U.S. doesn´t do enough of this, because we are an even more likely target (and we have tons of money we could be allocating to it). It especially bothers me at large arenas and concert halls that they often don´t even check your bag or pat you down. That is a huge area of vulnerability and it´s scary that we haven´t yet learned a lesson from 9/11.
Anyway, now I am in Granada, which honestly I was hoping to be small and quaint like Cordoba, but Granada is pretty big and spread out. The streets are old and all cobblestones and steps, so oh my gosh, it was a sweaty hike up to my hostel because my lazy rolling bag wouldn´t roll. I´ve totally learned how to yell at my luggage in Spanish already - No! Malo equipaje! Malo bolsa. Malo, malo!

Unfortunately I may have a 12 HOUR combination bus / train trip to Lisbon to meet Kate on Wednesday. Yikes. I guess I´ll catch up on some postcard writing then. And looking at more olive groves than I ever imagined possible. Did you know - most of the world´s olive oil comes from Spain?? SI, it´s true. All those olive oil manufacturers with Italian women on the label are a pack of liars.

And what´s also funny-peculiar is that the Spanish countryside looks a lot like Mexico and like Napa Valley in California, it makes me wonder whether it was any coincidence that Spaniards and Portugese settled in Latin America and the Southwest of the US, as opposed to say, Alabama or Connecticutt.
Oh and one last thing, now that I speak some Spanish, I am SO even more dying to see the movie NACHO LIBRE. In fact, that´s the plan the day I get back to the U.S.
well I am all talked out. enjoy the photos, I will enjoy my sangria.
1 comment:
Spain, I want to go back! Ah well. :( Your blog is making me homesick? No, I'm from Florida. That's nonsense. Travel sick then. I miss Sevilla. By the way, you know those Nazarenos during Holy Week look just like the KKK? I almost screamed. *lol* Well, take care. Oh, and remember, si to bebe a olvidar, paga antes de empezar. (at least that's how I think it goes...)
-Jo (no, you don't know me...)
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